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Formalin fixed-paraffin-embedded cell line pellet preparation

Protocol created by Scherezade Jiménez and Patricia González - Monoclonal Antibodies Unit and Histopathology Unit, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas

Matherial and reagents:

  1. Before preparing the pellet verify the status of the cell culture (at least 28x106 cells are needed).
  2. Wash your pellet with PBS (5 minutes 1000prm).
  3. Resuspend you pellet in 2ml PBS and place it in a 2ml eppendorf. Centrifuge 5 min a 1200rpm.
  4. Resuspend the pellet in 2ml Eppendorf with 1 ml of formalin (10%) and mix gently (keep it in movement at room temperature for 1 hour).
  5. Centrifuge at 13000rpm for 5 minutes.
  6. Discard the formalin and collect the pellet using a metal spatula.
  7. Place the pellet in a special cassette (Tissue-Tek Paraform cassette, see image below)
  8. Placed the cassette in a tissue processor.
Tissue-Tek Paraform cassette