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Luis Álvarez-Vallina

Name of the laboratory

Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO)
H12O-CNIO Cancer Immunotherapy Clinical Research Unit
Clinical Research Programme
Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO)
Calle Melchor Fernández Almagro 3
28029 Madrid, Spain
+34 912 246 900
Cancer Immunotherapy Unit / Unidad de Inmunoterapia del Cáncer (UNICA)
Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
Avda. de Córdoba, s/n
28041 Madrid, Spain
+34 9177927730

Members of the laboratory

Members: H12O-CNIO Cancer Immunotherapy Clinical Research Unit
Unit Leader
Senior Research Associates
Belén Blanco Durango
Anaïs Jiménez-Reinoso
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Rodrigo Lázaro Gorines
Antonio Tapia Galisteo
Ivana Zagorac
PhD Students
Carmen Domínguez Alonso
Francisco Javier Arroyo
Laura Rubio Pérez
Eva García Veros
Alejandro Segura Tudela
Miriam Velasco Sidro
Yedra Pacheco

Research activities

Our Unit focuses on understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms of cancer immune escape for designing next-generation cancer immunotherapies. For example, we have developed a novel cancer immunotherapy strategy based on the secretion of bispecific T cell-engaging (TCE) antibodies by engineered human T (STAb-T) cells, which has been shown to be effective in solid and hematological malignancies and is currently in clinical trial.

The Cancer Immunotherapy Clinical Research Unit has several research areas of interest:

  • Reactivation of pre-existing tumor-specific endogenous T cell repertoires using immunomodulatory bispecific antibodies
  • Development of T cell redirecting strategies to improve the clinical efficacy and safety profile of tumor-reactive artificial T cells.
  • Development of multi-targeting approaches recognizing tumor-associated antigens (TAA) and/or tumor-specific antigens (TSA) at both extra- and intracellular locations.
  • Generation of multivalent and multispecific antibody formats and the use of engineered mRNA-based gene delivery systems.

Techniques available

  • Antibody Engineering and formating
  • Generation of multispecific immunomodulatory antibodies
  • Mammalian expresión
  • Antibody characterization
  • In vivo expression of bispecific antibodies using lentivirus and nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA)
  • Lymphocyte engineering with antibody-based molecules: chimeric antigen receptors (CAR-T cells) and/or bispecific T cell-engaging (TCE) antibodies (STAb-T cells)

Publications (2020-present)

  • Rubio-Pérez L, Lázaro-Gorines R, Harwood SL, Compte M, Navarro R, Tapia-Galisteo A, Bonet J, Blanco B, Lykkemark S, Ramírez-Fernández Á, Ferreras-Gutiérrez M, Domínguez-Alonso C, Díez-Alonso L, Segura-Tudela A, Hangiu O, Erce-Llamazares A, Blanco FJ, Santos C, Rodríguez-Peralto JL, Sanz L, Álvarez-Vallina L. A PD-L1/EGFR bispecific antibody combines immune checkpoint blockade and direct anti-cancer action for an enhanced anti-tumor response. Oncoimmunology. (2023) 12:2205336.
  • Tapia-Galisteo A, Compte M, Álvarez-Vallina L, Sanz L. When three is not a crowd: trispecific antibodies for enhanced cancer cancer immunotherapy. Theranostics (2023)13:1028-1041.
  • Jiménez-Reinoso A, Tirado N, Martinez-Moreno A, Díaz VM, García-Peydró M, Hangiu O, Díez-Alonso L, Albitre Á, Penela P, Toribio ML, Menéndez P, Álvarez-Vallina L, Sánchez Martínez D. Efficient preclinical treatment of cortical T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia with T lymphocytes secreting anti-CD1a T cell engagers. J Immunother Cancer (2022) 10:e005333.
  • Blanco B,Ramírez-Fernández A, Bueno C, Argemí-Muntadas A, Fuentes P, Aguilar-Sopeña O, Gutierrez-Agüera F, Romina Zanetti S, Tapia-Galisteo A, Díez-Alonso L, Segura-Tudela A, Castellà M, Marzal B, Betriu S, Harwood SL, Compte C, Lykkemark S, Erce-Llamazares A, Rubio-Pérez L, Jiménez-Reinoso A, Domínguez-Alonso C, Neves M, Morales P, Paz-Artal E, Guedan S, Sanz L, Toribio ML, Roda-Navarro P, Juan M, Menéndez P, Álvarez-Vallina L. Overcoming CAR-mediated CD19 downmodulation and leukemia relapse with T lymphocytes secreting anti-CD19 T cell engagers. Cancer Immunol Res. (2022) 10:498-511.
  • Hangiu O, Compte M, Dinesen A, Navarro R, Tapia-Galisteo A, Mandrup OA, Erce-Llamazares A, Lázaro-Gorines R, Nehme-Álvarez D, Domínguez-Alonso C, Harwood SL, Alfonso C, Blanco B, Rubio-Pérez L, Jiménez-Reinoso A, Díez-Alonso L, Blanco FJ, Sanz L, Howard KA, Álvarez-Vallina L. Tumor targeted 4-1BB agonist antibody-albumin fusions with high affinity to FcRn induce anti-tumor immunity without toxicity. iScience (2022) 25:104958.
  • Ramírez-Fernández A, Aguilar-Sopeña O, Díez-Alonso L, Segura-Tudela A, Domínguez-Alonso C, Álvarez-Vallina L, Blanco B. Synapse topology and downmodulation events are determinant for the functional outcome of anti-CD19 T cell-redirecting strategies. Oncoimmunology. (2022) 11:2054106.
  • Tapia-Galisteo A, Sánchez-Rodríguez I, Aguilar-Sopeña O, Harwood SL, Navarro R, Martín-García L, Gutiérrez F, Corbacho C, Compte M, Blanco FJ, Chames P, Roda-Navarro P, Álvarez-Vallina L, Sanz L. Trispecific T-cell engagers for dual tumor-targeting of colorectal cancer Oncoimmunology. (2022) 11:2034355.
  • Compte M, Harwood SL, Erce-Llamazares A, Tapia-Galisteo A, Romero E, Ferrer I, Garrido-Martin EM, Enguita AB, Ochoa MC, Blanco B, Oteo M, Merino N, Nehme-Álvarez D, Hangiu O, Domínguez-Alonso C, Zonca M, Ramírez-Fernández A, Blanco FJ, Morcillo MA, Muñoz IG, Melero I, Rodriguez-Peralto JL, Paz-Ares L, Sanz L, Alvarez-Vallina L. An Fc-free EGFR-specific 4-1BB-agonistic Trimerbody Displays Broad Antitumor Activity in Humanized Murine Cancer Models without Toxicity. Clin Cancer Res. (2021) 27:3167-3177.
  • Compte M, Harwood SL, Martínez-Torrecuadrada J, Perez-Chacon G, González-García P, Tapia-Galisteo A, Van Bergen En Henegouwen PMP, Sánchez A, Fabregat I, Sanz L, Zapata JM, Alvarez-Vallina L. Case Report: An EGFR-Targeted 4-1BB-agonistic Trimerbody Does Not Induce Hepatotoxicity in Transgenic Mice With Liver Expression of Human EGFR. Front Immunol. (2021) 11:614363.
  • Sanz L, Álvarez-Vallina L. Engineered mRNA and the Rise of Next-Generation Antibodies. Antibodies (2021) 10:37.
  • Rousso-Noori L, Mastandrea I, Talmor S, Waks D, Globerson-Levin A, Haugas M, Teesalu T, Alvarez-Vallina L, Eshhar Z, Friedmann-Morvinski D. P32, a novel CAR T cell target with dual antitumor and antiangiogenic therapeutic potential in gliomas. Nat Commun. (2021) 12:3615.
  • Blanco B, Domínguez-Alonso C, Alvarez-Vallina L. Bispecific Immunomodulatory Antibodies for Cancer Immunotherapy. Clin Cancer Res. (2021) 27:5457-5464.
  • Mandrup OA, Ong SC, Lykkemark S, Dinesen A, Rudnik-Jansen I, Dagnæs-Hansen NF, Andersen JT, Alvarez-Vallina L, Howard KA. Programmable half-life and anti-tumour effects of bispecific T-cell engager-albumin fusions with tuned FcRn affinity. Commun Biol. (2021) 4:310.
  • Jiménez-Reinoso A, Nehme-Álvarez D, Domínguez-Alonso C, Álvarez-Vallina L. Synthetic TILs: Engineered Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes With Improved Therapeutic Potential. Front Oncol. (2021) 10:593848.
  • Navarro R, Tapia-Galisteo A, Martín-García L, Tarín C, Corbacho C, Gómez-López G, Sánchez-Tirado E, Campuzano S, González-Cortés A, Yáñez-Sedeño P, Compte M, Álvarez-Vallina L, Sanz L. TGF-β-induced IGFBP-3 is a key paracrine factor from activated pericytes that promotes colorectal cancer cell migration and invasion. Mol Oncol. (2020) 14:2609-2628.
  • Blanco B, Ramírez-Fernández Á, Alvarez-Vallina L. Engineering Immune Cells for in vivo Secretion of Tumor-Specific T Cell-Redirecting Bispecific Antibodies. Front Immunol. (2020) 11:1792.
  • Roda-Navarro P, Álvarez-Vallina L. Understanding the Spatial Topology of Artificial Immunological Synapses Assembled in T Cell-Redirecting Strategies: A Major Issue in Cancer Immunotherapy. Front Cell Dev Biol. (2020) 7:370.