EuroMAbNet: European Monoclonal Antibodies NetworkEuroMAbNet. European Monoclonal Antibodies Network homepage



Núria Pascual

Name of the laboratory

Cabs, CSIC, CIBER-BBN, Nan Biosis
Custom Antibody Service (CAbS)
Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC)
Jordi Girona, 18-26, 08034-Barcelona, Spain
+34 93 400 61 00 Ext.: 5116

Members of the laboratory

Scientific Coordinator
Dr. Núria Pascual
Scientific Director
Prof. M.-Pilar Marco
Melek Denizli
Camilo Perales
Astrid Garcia

Laboratory activity

The Custom Antibody Service (CAbS) is a joint facility established under the umbrella of the Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (IQAC-CSIC) and the Networking Research Center for Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN). CAbS aim is to provide services and scientific advice, in relation to the production and use of specific antibodies and biomolecular probes to public and private research centers and companies. Antibodies for proteins, peptides, small organic molecules or other antigens can be produced using standard or customized protocols according to each customer's needs.

CAbS is managed by the scientific team of the Nb4D group (Nb4D), recognized for their expertise in hapten synthesis, antibody production and immunochemical method development. Nb4D provides all the necessary advice and support to each project.

CAbS forms part of the NANBIOSIS (infrastructure of production and characterization of nanomaterials, biomaterials and biomedical systems). NANBIOSIS is one of the 29 ICTS (Singular Scientific Technological Infrastructures) that have been recently recognized by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitivity.

Research activities

The CAbS facility aim is to offer a high quality service for customized monoclonal and polyclonal antibody production against many types of antigens including proteins, peptides or small organic molecules. Moreover, CAbS can offer additional services related to the preparation of immunoreagents and development of immunochemical methods and protocols.

CAbS has extensive experience and successful records of developing antibodies against small molecule antigens for research, diagnostics, environmental monitoring, food testing and drug abuse testing. Cabs has the expertise (10 patents and some of them are licensed to companies) and infrastructure to the hapten design and synthesis, to provide the small molecule antigens with an optimized immunization protocol and screening procedures. We are able to modulate the immunoassay features by appropriate immunizing and competitor hapten design.

Techniques available

  • Hapten design and synthesis: Chemical synthesis, purification and characterization of hapten.
  • Preparation of bioconjugates: labelled antibodies, haptenized proteins and enzymes, biotynilated and fluorescent probes, gold nanoparticle conjugates, etc
  • Polyclonal Antibody Production (goat, rabbit, rat)
  • Monoclonal Antibody Development (mouse, rat)
  • Hybridoma cell culture antibody production
  • Antibody purification
  • Preparation of antibody fragments.
  • Antibody characterization (Isotyping)
  • Development of immunochemical methods: ELISA, immunoaffinity columns, etc.
  • Mycoplasma testing

Publications (2019-present)

  • Sonia Herranz, Marzia Marciello, María -P. Marco, José L. Garcia-Fierro, José M. Guisan and María C. Moreno-Bondi Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 257, 256-262, 2018.
  • Sonia Matas, Marta Broto, Mercè Corominas, Ramon Lleonart, Ruth Babington, M-Pilar Marco, Roger Galve. Immediate hypersensitivity to penicillins. Identification of a new antigenic determinant. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 148, 17-23. 2018
  • M Broto, JP Salvador, R Galve, MP Marco. Biobarcode assay for the oral anticoagulant acenocoumarol. Talanta 178, 308-314, 2018.
  • Broto, M; Mc Cabe, Rita, Galve, Roger, Marco, M.P. A high throughput immunoassay for the therapeutic drug monitoring of tegafur. Analyst2017, 142, 2404-2410. URL
  • Broto, M; Galve, R; Marco, M.P. Bioanalytical methods for cytostatic therapeutic drug monitoring and occupational exposure assessment. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2017, 93, 152-170.
  • Castellarnau, M.; Ramon-Azcon, J.; Gonzalez-Quinteiro, Y.; Lopez, J. F.; Grimalt, J. O.; Marco, M. P.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Picado, A., Assessment of analytical methods to determine pyrethroids content of bednets. Tropical Medicine & International Health : TM & IH 2017, 22 (1), 41-51.
  • Hassani, N. E. A. E.; Baraket, A.; Neto, E. T. T.; Lee, M.; Salvador, J. P.; Marco, M. P.; Bausells, J.; Bari, N. E.; Bouchikhi, B.; Elaissari, A.; Errachid, A.; Zine, N., Novel strategy for sulfapyridine detection using a fully integrated electrochemical Bio-MEMS: Application to honey analysis. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2017, 93, 282-288
  • Tort, N.; Salvador, J. P.; Marco, M. P., Multimodal plasmonic biosensing nanostructures prepared by DNA-directed immobilization of multifunctional DNA-gold nanoparticles. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2017, 90, 13-22.
  • Pastells, C.; Marco, M. P.; Merino, D.; Loza-Alvarez, P.; Pasquardini, L.; Lunelli, L.; Pederzolli, C.; Daldosso, N.; Farnesi, D.; Berneschi, S.; Righini, G. C.; Quercioli, F.; Nunzi Conti, G.; Soria, S., Two photon versus one photon fluorescence excitation in whispering gallery mode microresonators. Journal of Luminescence 2016, 170, Part 3, 860-865.
  • Pastells, C.; Pascual, N.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M.-P., Immunochemical Determination of Pyocyanin and 1-Hydroxyphenazine as Potential Biomarkers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections. Analytical Chemistry 2016, in press.
  • Roncador, G.; Engel, P.; Maestre, L.; Anderson, A. P.; Cordell, J. L.; Cragg, M. S.; Šerbec, V. Č.; Jones, M.; Lisnic, V. J.; Kremer, L.; Li, D.; Koch-Nolte, F.; Pascual, N.; Rodríguez-Barbosa, J.-I.; Torensma, R.; Turley, H.; Pulford, K.; Banham, A. H., The European antibody network's practical guide to finding and validating suitable antibodies for research. mAbs 2016, 8 (1), 27-36.
  • Sanmartí-Espinal, M.; Galve, R.; Iavicoli, P.; Persuy, M.-A.; Pajot-Augy, E.; Marco, M. P.; Samitier, J., Immunochemical strategy for quantification of G-coupled olfactory receptor proteins on natural nanovesicles. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2016, 139, 269-276.
  • Valera, E.; Hernández-Albors, A.; Marco, M. P., Electrochemical coding strategies using metallic nanoprobes for biosensing applications. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2016, in press
  • Broto, M.; Matas, S.; Babington, R.; Marco, M. P.; Galve, R., Immunochemical detection of penicillins by using biohybrid magnetic particles. Food Control 2015, 51 (0), 381-389.
  • Díaz-González, M.; Pablo Salvador, J.; Bonilla, D.; Pilar Marco, M.; Fernández-Sánchez, C.; Baldi, A., A microfluidic device for the automated electrical readout of low-density glass-slide microarrays. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2015, 74, 698-704.
  • Muriano, A.; Chabottaux, V.; Diserens, J. M.; Granier, B.; Sanchez Baeza, F.; Marco, M. P., Rapid immunochemical analysis of the sulfonamide-sugar conjugated fraction of antibiotic contaminated honey samples. Food Chemistry 2015, 178, 156-163.
  • Pastells, C.; Acosta, G.; Pascual, N.; Albericio, F.; Royo, M.; Marco, M. P., An immunochemical strategy based on peptidoglycan synthetic peptide epitopes to diagnose Staphylococcus aureus infections. Analytica Chimica Acta 2015, 889, 203-211.
  • Tufa, R. A.; Pinacho, D. G.; Pascual, N.; Granados, M.; Companyó, R.; Marco, M. P., Development and Validation of an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Fluoroquinolones in Animal Feeds. Food Control 2015, 57 (0), 195-201.
  • Apostolou, T.; Pascual, N.; Marco, M. P.; Moschos, A.; Petropoulos, A.; Kaltsas, G.; Kintzios, S., Extraction-less, rapid assay for the direct detection of 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (TCA) in cork samples. Talanta 2014, 125 (0), 336-340.
  • Esteban-Fernández de Ávila, B.; Campuzano, S.; Pedrero, M.; Salvador, J. P.; Marco, M. P.; Pingarrón, J., Lipoprotein(a) determination in human serum using a nitrilotriacetic acid derivative immunosensing scaffold on disposable electrodes. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2014, 406 (22), 5379-5387.
  • Fernández, F.; Pinacho, D. G.; Gratacós-Cubarsí, M.; García-Regueiro, J.-A.; Castellari, M.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M. P., Immunochemical Determination of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics in Cattle Hair: a Strategy to Ensure Food Safety. Food Chemistry 2014, 157, 221-228.
  • Garcia-Febrero, R.; Salvador, J. P.; Sanchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M. P., Rapid method based on immunoassay for determination of paraquat residues in wheat, barley and potato. Food Control 2014, 41 (0), 193-201.
  • Lapresta-Fernandez, A.; Salinas-Castillo, A.; de la Llana, S. A.; Costa-Fernandez, J. M.; Dominguez-Meister, S.; Cecchini, R.; Capitan-Vallvey, L. F.; Moreno-Bondi, M. C.; Marco, M. P.; Sanchez-Lopez, J. C.; Anderson, I. S., A General Perspective of the Characterization and Quantification of Nanoparticles: Imaging, Spectroscopic, and Separation Techniques. Crit. Rev. Solid State Mat. Sci. 2014, 39 (6), 423-458.
  • Mallen, M.; Diaz-Gonzalez, M.; Bonilla, D.; Salvador, J. P.; Marco, M. P.; Baldi, A.; Fernandez-Sanchez, C., Reusable conductimetric array of interdigitated microelectrodes for the readout of low-density microarrays. Analytica Chimica Acta 2014, 832, 44-50.
  • Pinacho, D.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Pividori, M.-I.; Marco, M.-P., Electrochemical Detection of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics in Milk Using a Magneto Immunosensor. Sensors 2014, 14 (9), 15965-15980.
  • Sanchez, B.; Vega, D.; Rodriguez, A.; Bragos, R.; Marco, M. P.; Valera, E., Development and impedimetric evaluation of a magnetic interdigitated microelectrode. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2014, 203 (0), 444-451.
  • Valera, E.; García-Febrero, R.; Pividori, I.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M. P., Coulombimetric immunosensor for paraquat based on electrochemical nanoprobes. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2014, 194 (0), 353-360.
  • Valera, E.; Muriano, A.; Pividori, I.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M. P., Development of a Coulombimetric immunosensor based on specific antibodies labeled with CdS nanoparticles for sulfonamide antibiotic residues analysis and its application to honey samples. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2013, 43 (0), 211-217.
  • Tort, N.; Salvador, J. P.; Marco, M. P., Multiplexed immunoassay to detect anabolic androgenic steroids in human serum. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2012, 403 (5), 1361-1371.
  • Tort, N.; Salvador, J. P.; Aviñó, A.; Eritja, R.; Comelles, J.; Martínez, E.; Samitier, J.; Marco, M. P., Synthesis of Steroid–Oligonucleotide Conjugates for a DNA Site-Encoded SPR Immunosensor. Bioconjugate Chemistry 2012, 23 (11), 2183-2191.
  • Sanvicens, N.; Varela, B.; Ballesteros, B.; Marco, M. P., Development of an immunoassay for terbutryn: Study of the influence of the immunization protocol. Talanta 2012, 89 (0), 310-316.
  • Salvador, J. P.; Kreuzer, M.; Quidant, R.; Badenes, G.; Marco, M. P., Nanobiosensors for In Vitro and In Vivo Analysis of Biomolecules. In Nanotechnology in Regenerative Medicine, Navarro, M.; Planell, J. A., Eds. Humana Press: 2012; Vol. 811, pp 207-221.
  • Pinacho, D. G.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M. P., Molecular Modeling Assisted Hapten Design To Produce Broad Selectivity Antibodies for Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics. Analytical Chemistry 2012, 84 (10), 4527-4534.
  • Muriano, A.; Thayil, K. N. A.; Salvador, J. P.; Loza-Alvarez, P.; Soria, S.; Galve, R.; Marco, M. P., Two-photon fluorescent immunosensor for androgenic hormones using resonant grating waveguide structures. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2012, 174 (0), 394-401.
  • Fernández, F.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M. P., Nanogold probe enhanced Surface Plasmon Resonance immunosensor for improved detection of antibiotic residues. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2012, 34 (1), 151-158.
  • Conzuelo, F.; Gamella, M.; Campuzano, S.; G. Pinacho, D.; Reviejo, A. J.; Marco, M. P.; Pingarrón, J. M., Disposable and integrated amperometric immunosensor for direct determination of sulfonamide antibiotics in milk. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2012, 36 (1), 81-88.
  • Bratov, A.; Abramova, N.; Marco, M. P.; Sanchez-Baeza, F., Three-Dimensional Interdigitated Electrode Array as a Tool for Surface Reactions Registration. Electroanalysis 2012, 24 (1), 69-75.
  • Babington, R.; Matas, S.; Marco, M. P.; Galve, R., Current bioanalytical methods for detection of penicillins. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2012, 403 (6), 1549-1566.
  • Adrian, J.; Fernández, F.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M. P., Preparation of Antibodies and Development of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for the Determination of Doxycycline Antibiotic in Milk Samples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2012, 60 (15), 3837-3846.
  • Abad, L.; Javier del Campo, F.; Muñoz, F. X.; Fernández, L. J.; Calavia, D.; Colom, G.; Salvador, J. P.; Marco, M. P.; Escamilla-Gómez, V.; Esteban-Fernández de Ávila, B.; Campuzano, S.; Pedrero, M.; Pingarrón, J. M.; Godino, N.; Gorkin, R.; Ducrée, J., Design and fabrication of a COP-based microfluidic chip: Chronoamperometric detection of Troponin T. Electrophoresis 2012, 33 (21), 3187-3194.
  • Varelas, V.; Sanvicens, N.; Marco, M. P.; Kintzios, S., Development of a cellular biosensor for the detection of 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (TCA). Talanta 2011, 84 (3), 936-940.
  • Sanvicens, N.; Pascual, N.; Fernández-Argüelles, M.; Adrián, J.; Costa-Fernández, J.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Sanz-Medel, A.; Marco, M. P., Quantum dot-based array for sensitive detection of Escherichia coli. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2011, 399 (8), 2755-2762.
  • Sanvicens, N.; Mannelli, I.; Salvador, J. P.; Valera, E.; Marco, M. P., Biosensors for pharmaceuticals based on novel technology. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2011, 30 (3), 541-553.
  • Sanvicens, N.; Fernández, F.; Salvador, J. P.; Marco, M. P., Current Status and Future Prospects for Nanoparticle-Based Technology in Human Medicine. In Nanoplatform-Based Molecular Imaging, Chen, X., Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: 2011; pp 781-813.
  • Muriano, A.; Salvador, J. P.; Galve, R.; Marco, M. P.; Thayil, K. N. A.; Loza-Alvarez, P.; Soria, S., High sensitive non-linear detection of steroids by resonant double grating waveguide structures based immunosensors. In Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies Xv, Broquin, J. E.; Conti, G. N., Eds. Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering: Bellingham, 2011; Vol. 7941.
  • Miguel-Sancho, N.; Bomatí-Miguel, O.; Colom, G.; Salvador, J. P.; Marco, M. P.; Santamaría, J., Development of Stable, Water-Dispersible, and Biofunctionalizable Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles. Chemistry of Materials 2011, 23 (11), 2795-2802.
  • Gómez, C.; Pozo, O. J.; Diaz, R.; Sancho, J. V.; Vilaroca, E.; Salvador, J. P.; Marco, M. P.; Hernandez, F.; Segura, J.; Ventura, R., Mass spectrometric characterization of urinary toremifene metabolites for doping control analyses. Journal of Chromatography A 2011, 1218 (29), 4727-4737.
  • Fernández, F.; Pinacho, D. G.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M. P., Portable surface plasmon resonance immunosensor for the detection of fluoroquinolone antibiotic residues in milk. J Agric Food Chem 2011, 59 (9), 5036-43.
  • Calvo, D.; Tort, N.; Pablo Salvador, J.; Marco, M. P.; Centi, F.; Marco, S., Preliminary study for simultaneous detection and quantification of androgenic anabolic steroids using ELISA and pattern recognition techniques. Analyst 2011, 136 (19), 4045-4052.
  • Valera, E.; Ramón-Azcón, J.; Barranco, A.; Alfaro, B.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M. P.; Rodríguez, Á., Determination of atrazine residues in red wine samples. A conductimetric solution. Food Chemistry 2010, 122 (3), 888-894.
  • Salvador, J. P.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M. P., A high-throughput screening (HTS) immunochemical method for the analysis of stanozolol metabolites in cattle urine samples. Journal of Chromatography B 2010, 878 (2), 243-252.
  • Reisewitz, S.; Schroeder, H.; Tort, N.; Edwards, K. A.; Baeumner, A. J.; Niemeyer, C. M., Capture and Culturing of Living Cells on Microstructured DNA Substrates. Small 2010, 6 (19), 2162-2168.
  • Ramón-Azcón, J.; Yasukawa, T.; Lee, H. J.; Matsue, T.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M.-P.; Mizutani, F., Competitive multi-immunosensing of pesticides based on the particle manipulation with negative dielectrophoresis. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2010, 25 (8), 1928-1933.
  • Martinez, M. T.; Tseng, Y.-C.; Salvador, J. P.; Marco, M. P.; Ormategui, N.; Loinaz, I.; Bokor, J., Electronic Anabolic Steroid Recognition with Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors. ACS Nano 2010, 4 (3), 1473-1480.
  • Mannelli, I.; Marco, M. P., Recent advances in analytical and bioanalysis applications of noble metal nanorods. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2010, 398 (6), 2451-2469.
  • Jimenez, V.; Adrian, J.; Guiteras, J.; Marco, M.-P.; Companyo, R., Validation of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detecting Sulfonamides in Feed Resources. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2010, 58 (13), 7526-7531.
  • Gómez-Martínez, R.; Vázquez, P.; Duch, M.; Muriano, A.; Pinacho, D.; Sanvicens, N.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Boya, P.; Rosa, E. J. d. l.; Esteve, J.; Suárez, T.; Plaza, J. A., Intracellular Silicon Chips in Living Cells. Small 2010, 6 (4), 499-502.
  • Fernandez, F.; Hegnerova, K.; Piliarik, M.; Sanchez-Baeza, F.; Homola, J.; Marco, M. P., A label-free and portable multichannel surface plasmon resonance immunosensor for on site analysis of antibiotics in milk samples. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2010, 26 (4), 1231-1238.
  • Beloglazova, N. V.; Goryacheva, I. Y.; Rusanova, T. Y.; Yurasov, N. A.; Galve, R.; Marco, M. P.; De Saeger, S., Gel-based immunotest for simultaneous detection of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol and ochratoxin A in red wine. Analytica Chimica Acta 2010, 672 (1-2), 3-8.
  • Argarate, N.; Arestin, M.; Ramón-Azcón, J.; Alfaro, B.; Barranco, A.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M.-P., Evaluation of Immunoassays as an Alternative for the Rapid Determination of Pesticides in Wine and Grape samples. JAOAC Int 2010, 93 (1), 2-11.
  • Adrian, J.; Fernández, F.; Muriano, A.; Obregón, R.; Ramón, J.; Tort, N.; Marco, M.-P., Immunochemical Analytical Methods for Monitoring the Aquatic Environment. In Analytical Measurements in Aquatic Environments, Namienik, J.; Szefer, P., Eds. Taylor& Francis Group Ltd: 2010; pp 139-187